DBT Clinical Therapist
CEBTOhio is looking for an enthusiastic new colleague to join our Dialectical Behavior Therapy Team. Our group private practice was established by Lucene Wisniewski, Ph.D., FAED, an internationally known leader in DBT. We do evidence-based work with adolescent and adult clients, offering comprehensive DBT programs at an outpatient level. We are seeking a licensed therapist or pre-licensed professional for this full-time salaried position on our consultation and treatment teams.
Our ideal teammate would be passionate about treating complex, multi-problem clients while working toward fidelity to Dialectical Behavior Therapy treatment. We provide opportunities including training and supervision from a DBT-LBC clinician, facilitating group skills training sessions, providing adherent individual DBT therapy and skills coaching, and participation on a weekly Consultation Team. While we are willing to train the right person without previous experience and training in DBT, solid skills in compatible CBT approaches are important.
If interested, please email your CV and a 1-2 page cover letter describing your background, interests, career goals, and reasons you are interested in joining our team, to lwisniewski@cebtohio.com.
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